Fluency: delivering information quickly with knowledge. fluency and accuracy are continuum of language learning.
Accuracy : delivering information with no mistake.
The Silent Way: The teacher is silent and provides little help. Students are supposed to learn by doing and discover on their own.
Total Physical Response: Kids do a lot of listening and acting with little pressure to speak. the teacher directs the kids in action with imperative sentences.
The Natural Approach: The teacher provides comprehensible input and speech emerges when it is ready after a silent period.
Choral repetition: a kind of language drill to repeat a short phrase or sentence as a group.
Substitution drill : replacing practice. ex) I like chicken. I like pizza. I like spaghetti....
Syllabus: a written plan for a course.
Lexical approach: Words and words combinations are the essential factors in language learning. This approach emphasizes the vocabulary learning and collocations.
Task based learning : Tasks such as project, puzzle. problem-solving are the core of the learning. Through Students solve the task by themselves communicative goals can be achieved.
Language ego: the identity a language learner develops in reference to he or she speaks. Language ego is so fragile the teacher should show a supportive mood to students.
extrinsic motivation : anticipation of rewards from outside such as money, prize, grades, positive feedbacks.
intrinsic motivation: There's no apparent rewards except the activity itself. This is opposite to extrinsic motivation.
cognition: Cognition refers to the intellectual brain power. ↔ emotion
Automaticity: Ability to do something easily and quickly. This is related to the language fluency.
Meaningful learning: A process of relating new information to learner's background, intersets, and effective for long term retention. This is opposite to rote learning.
Behavioral motivation : To change Students action use rewards and punishment.
Drive theory of motivation: Motivation stems from basic innate drives. Those are explanation, manipulation, activity, stimulation, knowledge, ego enhancement.
Language culture connection: When the treacher teaches a languages he(she) also teaches cultural customs, values, and ways of thinking.
feedback : a useful information given from the teacher. it can be positive or negative.
Deductive learning: is a teacher centered learning. The teacher directly teaches language rules. ↔ inductive learning
Inductive learning : is a students centered learning. Students learn by doing. Discovery learning is a type of inductive learning. ↔ deductive learning
Strategic investment: Successful language learning depends on the students time and effort.
autonomy: Students take charge in their own learning. This involves language practice beyond the classroom situation.
Content based instruction : Teaching subjects(science, arts, math...) in English
Constructivist theory of motivation: Motivation derives from interactions with others as well as learner's self determination.
Willingness to communication: The intention to initiate communication through the target language. This needs risk taking.
interlanguage: language system that has an intermediate status between native and target language.
Realia : Objects from real life used for classroom instruction. ex) puppets, chart, money, menu, etc.)
PPP : A technique to teach dialogues, PPP is composed of 3 stages.
Present - the teacher introduces new dialogue
Practice - repetition & drilling under the teacher's control
Produce - students' production using what they learned