  1. Playdough with dry spaghetti.
  2. Fill a table with  books and read, read, read.
  3. Doodle with smelly markers on cardboard from your recycle bin.
  4. Play doctor with dolls.
  5. Take a walk and hunt for colors.
  6. Play with puzzles.
  7. Look at family photos together.
  8. Create with peel and stick jewels.
  9. Read through catalogs.
  10. Build a fort.preschool ideas
  11. Play eye spy with favorite book.
  12. Eat lunch outside.
  13. Play in a box.
  14. Paint with watercolors.
  15. Play with stickers.
  16. Play sports in the yard.
  17. Play-Doh and sequins.
  18. Play The Cupcake Game.
  19. Play Simon Says.
  20. Make a balance beam out of painter’s tape and walk it!
  21. Play in a kiddie pool.
  22. Color with Color Wonder markers and coloring sheets.
  23. Water some plants
  24. Play with Magic Nuudles.
  25. Play with Play-Doh and Duplo together.how to keep a 3 year old busy
  26. Dance.
  27. Play with a light table ( easy DIY here ) .
  28. Play with cold cooked spaghetti.
  29. Cook together.
  30. Play with water, rice, beans, gravel etc… in your water table .
  31. Play with the hose.
  32. Dress up some dolls.
  33. Take silly pictures together.
  34. Play hide and seek.
  35. Cuddle.
  36. Play with stamps.
  37. Make some window clings .
  38. Paint your toenails with kid safe nail polish .
  39. Run Through the sprinkler.
  40. Write in a journal with markers, stamps and crayons.
  41. Go to the beach.
  42. Learn about emotions with Mr. Potato Head.
  43. Go to the library.
  44. Read with a sibling.
  45. Call Grandma ( or Aunty, Uncle… you get the picture.)
  46. Help clean.
  47. Play dentist with dolls.
  48. Finger paint.
  49. Draw with chalk on black construction paper.
  50. Go to a local elementary school and play at the playground.75 ideas for 3 year olds
  51. Play dress up.
  52. Take markers and paint onto the porch for art outside.
  53. Duplo
  54. Play School
  55. Mix sidewalk chalk and other toys for pretend play outside.
  56. Bubbles.
  57. Scrap paper collages.
  58. Hunt for magnets with a magnetic wand in a bowl of uncooked oatmeal or rice.
  59. Jump in puddles.
  60. Build a tower out of recycling.
  61. Wash the car.
  62. Backyard nature hunt . Tape painters tape sticky side out on a window or wall and have your child stick what they find on it.
  63. Take some pictures.
  64. Have a tea party.
  65. Practice cutting.
  66. Make a ramp with cardboard and drive matchbox cars down it.
  67. Read books outside.75 simple activities for 3 year olds
  68. Play-Doh with pipe cleaners.
  69. Wash play cars, scooters and bikes.
  70. Go for a hike.
  71. Play with Play-doh and egg molds.
  72. Play airplane or train with your kitchen chairs.
  73. Wash windows with water and vinegar.
  74. Turn snack bars into shapes and practice using a knife at the same time.
  75. Play alone. Yes it’s more than OK, it’s awesome to let kids play alone. We don’t need to entertain them 24/7 !


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